Healing: the miracle machine

Healing is a process we are all interested in to a different extent. Some of us see healing as a priority but for others it becomes a priority when they are not well and they are forced to think about healing. For those of you that are not as interested in the different healing modalities, I wanted to bring your awareness to a wonderful miracle machine. that you already have access to but really need to know how to use to attain best results.

Now this healing machine has the most amazing abilities. It has the capacity to heal your skin, to improve your eyesight, improve your hearing, give you healthy lungs and heal your blood and keep it clean. It also has the capacity to give you a clear mind, to enable your brain to think clearer, to learn and to discern. It can assist in proper digestion of your food, raise your immune system, rid you of viruses and bacteria and help you grow.

This healing machine gives you a voice to speak, enables you to move freely, allows you to feel love, has the ability to shelter and protect you, enables you to extend your willpower, to laugh, to imagine, to create, to plan, to mediate and to pray. Used properly, this healing machine can rid you of pain, fill you with energy, heal your nervous system and keep you alive. In fact, it has the capacity to heal many illnesses on all levels.

It is called the human body and there is no one else like you in the whole universe (as far as we know). Given the right tools, your body has the capacity to heal itself again and again. However most of us don’t have the tools and, if we do, we don’t always use them. These tools are healthy living, right nutrition (assimilated through proper digestion and the proper vitamins and minerals to keep you strong) and right thinking. This healing machine has the ability to help us nurture our spiritual connection and our energetic journey and being in truth with who we are as individuals, and to heal our connection with spirit.

Whatever you believe, everyone is always searching for ways to be healthy and live their lives stress free. However having the right tools to enable healing is another story. We have one of the greatest miracle healing machines that nature has ever built yet we do not use it to its fullest capacity. Stop a moment and think of the millions of processes going on in your body right now, all directed at keeping you alive and healing you on some level. However, as humans with our issues and failings, instead of treasuring this wonderful invention, which has capacities far beyond those even our greatest technological minds can create, we use and abuse our bodies, our emotions and our thinking through lack of knowledge.

Knowledge is the key to regain our healing tools. The body wants to heal, let it. Our emotions want to be whole, let them. Our thoughts want to be positive, let them. Our spirit yearns for connection, let it. Simply let go. Let go of the worry, the anxiety for the future, the fear of the present, the regrets of the past. Let go and your healing will begin.

The good news is that even if you don’t know how to let go and heal, there are many skilled therapists out there in every modality that can assist you. Have faith in yourself and them that they can help you move forward in your journey to a new beginning.

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