garlic health food

Garlic is hip

Garlic is an amazing bulb. Not only can it keep colds at bay and balance your cholesterol, it can apparently act as vampire repellent should you have problems with the un-dead. Now another power of this pungent spice has been found; it is good for your hips!

Osteoarthritis the most common form of arthritis. It is the sort that results from wear and tear in your joints with protective pads of cartilage being worn away over time. At the moment there is no real treatment and only pain relief that can be offered although supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin do show promise.

Now it seems that a diet high in garlic, and its relatives onions and leeks, might protect your hips against the debilitation that osteoarthritis can bring.

For this research more than 1000 healthy female twins were examined. The researchers did a detailed examination of the women’s dietary patterns and then took x-rays to look for any early signs of osteoarthritis in their hips, knees, and spine.

The results showed that those who consumed high levels of garlic had significantly less evidence of early arthritis of the hip joint. The researchers went further and found that a compound called diallyl-sulfide from garlic stops the release of enzymes that damage the cartilage in joints.

The moral is clear, get onto the garlic and your hips will thank you for it. Yes, your odour may reduce your friendship group somewhat but those friends who don’t eat garlic will be hobbling about anyway, when you will be bounding about the place like a buck in springtime.

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