Open up and feel joy

Open up to feel more joy

Life is filled with ups and downs. As we grow and evolve we learn how to navigate these changes and we find our own kind of balance. If you are feeling a bit lost or lonely and your path seems unclear I encourage you to shift this energy and invite more joy into your life.

When you open up your heart and allow yourself to feel more joy, miracles happen.

Opening up and saying yes to what makes you happy isn’t always easy but you can take one small step towards it. Small steps over time can create big changes. My wish is that you first open up to this possibility and then you allow your own inner guidance to lead the way.

You have all the wisdom inside you. Everything you need is always here.

No matter how you feel right now I suggest you start right where you are and take one step at a time to create the new life you long for.

  • Start now. If you dream of living a happier life, start right now. What is one small step you can take today?
  • Do what comes easily to you. How about doing something you love? Choose one activity you really enjoy and do it today.
  • Ask for support. You are not alone. There are always people who care for you and love you unconditionally. Ask them for what you need.
  • Allow yourself to receive. Maybe you are the one others come to for help and support. Don’t let this role stop your from asking for their help when you most need it. When they reach out to you, embrace their support fully. You may be surprised by how much they love you and how happy they feel when they can support you.
  • Play! Inviting more play and fun activities into your life is a great way to feel more joy. Anything goes! Allow yourself to play for a whole day. Play charades, create a huge painting and get really messy, play games with your children or friends. Try something you love or a completely new activity.

Ask your heart and soul what they need and be willing to listen to the answer.

There are so many ways you can invite more joy into your everyday life. Depending on how you feel right now you can either take very small steps and be gentle with yourself or go all out. Make it easy for yourself and take the time you need to obeserve how you feel.

As you open up to experiencing more joy, more of it will find you. For some people being joyful comes naturally and for others it’s a practice. So how about asking yourself this question every day this week:

What would bring me more joy today?

Ask your heart and soul what they need and be willing to listen to the answer. Play with what comes up and follow your inner guidance. Discover more of who you are and be open to change.

You have all the wisdom inside you. Everything you need is right here. In your heart.

Karina Signature


Karina Ladet

Karina Ladet

Karina Ladet is a soulful and creative mum, intuitive reader, coach, writer and teacher who helps women to trust and develop their own intuition. She offers intuitive readings and coaching, and teaches people how to communicate with their spirit guides both online and in Europe and Australia. Karina is also passionate about spreading messages of love and soulful living and she's a regular writer for Wild Sister magazine and also writes for a number of websites that focus on intuition, wellness, parenting, soulful living and spirituality. Her mission is to support people who long for a more inspired and meaningful life and this is something she also embodies in her own life. After years spent working in the corporate world as a communications manager and living in many different countries, Karina is now happy living her dream life. She is a mum to two young children and the wife to an amazing French husband and she spends her time enjoying a simple life in a village in the south of France.

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