
Energy and you

Energy levels are often depleted in many ways. Could be a late night and lack of sleep, too many carbohydrates making your body feel heavy, too many worries and all the energy accumulating in your head or just feeling lazy and lying around too much. Regardless of the reasons you feel you have no energy if it happens for any length of time you need to find out why.

Further to this you also need to be aware that the energy in the body can give you great insights into your health and you don’t need to be an energy healer or psychic to take advantage of this. Our energy gets ‘sick’ first before it manifests as a physical illness. By the time you are feeling lethargic and lacking energy you are already on the way to perhaps becoming ill. So be aware.

Our energy runs in a pattern in our body. Like most habits that we have as human beings there is also a habit in the way our energy runs. Our energy enters and leaves our body through vortices. To make it easier in explaining this lets call those chakras. A chakra is a wheel and it spins. Imagine that you have these centres on your body that take in and release energy and send it to where it does the most good. UCLA have been studying these vortices, as have other researchers for many years (Google it). Eastern traditions have known about them for centuries.

We also have energy blockages in our system which are caused by the way we think, the way we feel, our baggage, how out of sync we are spiritually, emotionally or even physically. All these things affect our energy and in turn our energy pattern becomes blocked and affects us. So to make this a simple example there is a ‘catch 22’ cycle formed between our energy and how it works and our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical body.

When you physically don’t have enough energy and are so tired you need to go to bed you have already overdone it quite some time before that.

When you physically don’t have enough energy and are so tired you need to go to bed you have already overdone it quite some time before that. When I say we get ‘sick’ in our energy first I mean we start to have negativity in our system. It could be we feel spiritually out of sync with ourselves, or we begin to have negative thoughts and worries. We may feel emotionally irritated or upset and often we are too busy to take care of this straight away so we push it aside for another day. However life moves on and we ‘forget’ how we felt, either deliberately because it’s hard to face those feelings or accidentally because life is just too full on. This pushing aside of our emotions, thoughts, worries and not addressing them head on makes them lodge somewhere inside us and hide but they leave a mark. The next time something similar happens it leaves another mark somewhere and before we know it we have a huge imprint energetically which we could call a blockage.

So there are, after many years of life not being so easy, many blockages in our energy all over our energetic field, known as the human aura. These blockages you could think of as huge rocks in a river diverting the flow of where the energy should be going. Instead the energy doesn’t go to the right places and we become de-energised. We become ‘sick’, tired and even more unhappy.

However we all know this is happening. We all know when we have an issue that we have pushed aside and don’t want to think about it. We all know when we don’t feel in sync spiritually or when our emotions are stirred up so much our stomach is churning.

It takes guts (pardon the pun) to stand up and address our baggage and solve our issues but our whole system would be better for it. We would have more energy and we would be able to move forward spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. So the next time you are feeling sluggish or unwell take a look at why you feel that way. Before you dash to the chemist or reach for the supplement or go to the doctor or the therapist have a bit of a soul search as to why you feel the way you do. You may get great insight having a conversation with yourself, a private conversation. No-one else ever needs to know what you came up with and even if you decide to act on one thing, to change one part of your life out of that private conversation you will find slowly your life will change and you will become more empowered and have even more energy.

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim runs Stressfree Management at 36 Gipps Road, Greystanes, and specialises in assisting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Jenetta has just published a book called Stress-Free Health Management, A Natural Solution for Your Health available from your favourite bookstore or online. For more information and to get in touch, visit her website at Stressfree Management.

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