Anaemia can be a serious health issue

Anaemia can be a serious health issueDid you know that if it shows up in a blood test that you are anaemic it can cause you serious health problems? A deficiency in iron is just the start of it. Often there are many other symptoms such as problems with vision, nausea, indigestion mouth ulcers, breathlessness and unexplained fatigue. Another way of telling if you are anaemic is if the inner lining of the eyelids is pale but to be accurate you need to have the blood test to check the haemoglobin levels.

Causes of anaemia can range from low iron in the diet to a malfunction in the liver. It could be because you have an infection or just too many toxins in your system. It can also mean that you bleed too much during menstruation or you have blood loss you are not aware of or underlying disease like haemophilia. Either way it means the iron you eat in your diet is not being absorbed properly or it could be from something as innocuous as worms in your intestines. To settle your mind get the blood test and talk to your doctor and your natural therapist.

There are many natural ways to treat anaemia and to start is to eat more green leafy vegetables such as spinach, mint, cabbage and even fenugreek. Any organic supplement containing chlorophyll is also good such as wheat grass or citrus fruits such as oranges, figs, apples, guava and grapes. However one should check first if they have sensitivities or allergies to these foods as if you are sensitive it will only add to the inflammation in your system. Obviously the likelihood of you being sensitive to all of them would be somewhat remote.

It is a good idea to make sure you get enough sun and dry massage is often valuable in stimulating the circulation. A balance is needed in the body so as well as proper food, relaxation and exercise is required. In the yoga discipline there are even some poses that are said to assist in this problem such as the Surya Namaskar, Yoga Nidra and other asanas. Deep breathing is also good due to its positive effects on the body as well as the proper supplements containing a balance of all vitamins and minerals and iron particularly in liquid form as that is easier to absorb.

It is a good idea to attempt to find the underlying cause and in Ayurvedic medicine there is a belief that anaemia occurs due to a disruption in the balance of air, fire and phlegm in the body or the body is too toxic. If the cause is just from not eating properly it is easy to correct by eating more iron rich foods and an iron supplement for a while but if its due to the liver not functioning properly or the digestive system then these areas need to be treated as well as the anaemia. It would be pointless treating the anaemia if the digestion is not treated first or at the same time for example.

Ignored anaemia can not only be debilitating it can lead to more serious Health issues so don’t pass it off when your doctor tells you to take iron supplements. If they constipate you and you don’t like taking pills then go to your naturopath/energy worker and get your body into balance and find out why you are anaemic. Nine times out of ten it’s got to do with your lifestyle, not enough sleep, too many rushed meals that are not balanced and an imbalance in your energy field. Nurture yourself for a few months and follow your therapists and doctor’s instructions and together they will empower you to know how to combat anaemia and you will soon be up and pumping with energy to burn.

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim runs Stressfree Management at 36 Gipps Road, Greystanes, and specialises in assisting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Jenetta has just published a book called Stress-Free Health Management, A Natural Solution for Your Health available from your favourite bookstore or online. For more information and to get in touch, visit her website at Stressfree Management.

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