8 indoor workouts to boost your energy

We all struggle to get moving in the morning, especially in the cooler months. But moving early ensures we feel energised throughout the day. The only way to produce more energy is by making and using more energy, as you’ll do with these eight indoor workouts.

Just about any type of exercise will help to fight fatigue, but how long you do it, the quality of movement and the frequency will also play a relevant part in its efficacy.

We all know the last thing tired people want to do is work out. If you are attempting to get more exercise to gain more energy, it is important to schedule the time to do so, as remaining sedentary will also make you remain tired. The best thing to do is to get up and partake of some sort of physical activity.

Physical activity releases feel-good chemicals into the body, these being endorphins and serotonin. This biological chemical reaction lifts the mood, increases energy and improves sleep. It ensures a more positive mindset and has been well researched to reduce anxiety in all bodies. Taking good care of your body is one of the most important things you can do to improve your mental wellbeing.

Exercise boosts energy and regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.

When we exercise, the blood vessels that supply blood to muscles and take blood away from your muscles dilate to allow for a massive increase in blood flow to your muscles. During exercise, the heart typically beats faster so that more blood gets out to your body. As we continue to move, the body needs large amounts of oxygen, glucose, amino acids and a molecule called ATP to allow the muscles to contract and do work. As the muscles consume nutrients and perform, waste materials like lactic acid are produced and need to be carried away from the muscles so they can be metabolised by the liver and be eliminated or recycled. This incredible body action is how energy is created in the body.

Limited time is an unfortunate issue in energy creation, and this is where incidental training is also a productive energy booster, not drainer. It may be as simple as standing at the kitchen bench making food — hold the bench and complete some squats. Even bending down to pick up a dropped item is purposeful — it’s an opportunity to practise weightless deadlifts. Walking at varying speeds around the home or outdoors is increasing your heart rate to create an energised pathway.

By using energy, you make more of it. The fact is if you are struggling to get moving in the morning, you must move to induce energy. Energy is made by creating energy.
There are a lot of exercises that you can do right in your home to become efficient on those days. Here is a quick routine that targets your entire body in approximately 30 minutes without using weights or bulky equipment, simply your remarkable body.

Before-work training can be hard to fit in, but with this indoor energy boost you only need 30 minutes.

Roll out a mat. Turn on the timer and let’s go. The goal is to get as sweaty as possible then shower, throw on the washing, breakfast and go!

Energy-boosting workout


1. Speed squats pause pulse, 20 repetitions to warm up the body

Begin in a squat position and then stand. Repeat the motion 20 times. Ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart and stable.

2. Step back lunge with high knee, 10 repetitions each leg

Begin a standing position step back and lunge. Knee kisses the ground and pause. As you bring your knee back to standing then hold and lift knee to chest height and pause. Repeat on other leg.


3. Plank or kneeling kicks and knee to chest, 20 repetitions total

Begin in plank and lift toe off mat, bring knee toward chest, hold then kick and lift leg to behind the body. Repeat on both sides. Feel the flow.

4. Curtsy lunge, 10 repetitions each leg

Hold onto a chair or bench or outdoor post in standing position. Take toe back behind the calf of other leg bend the knee and hold. Return to the standing position. Repeat on same leg and then swap to other leg for 10 counts.


5. Side steps, 10 repetitions each side

Begin in a squat position and step laterally. Continue until you have completed 10 repetitions on each leg.

6. Reverse climbers, 5 repetitions

Hold in a reverse plank. Bring your knee to chest and gently ensure stability. Then place heel back to original position. Repeat. After 5 rest by dropping the hips to the mat.

Then repeat to complete a total of 10 repetitions.


7. All fours to lunge to squat standing, 20 repetitions

Begin in all fours then step to lunge. Then bring other leg to wide squat position. Hold then slowly stand. Repeat.

8. Seated bicep crossover punches, 10 repetitions each arm

Begin in lying knee up abdominal position and sit up. Upon rising cross right fist over left knee in punching action then return to lying position. Repeat.

Article Featured in WellBeing 205

Belinda Norton

Belinda Norton

Belinda Norton is health and fitness educator and personal trainer with 23 years’ experience. She is a published author of Fit Mama and writer for Kid Spot, and shares her women’s wellness and body alignment expertise. Belinda is a mother of two teens, speaker and children’s health advocate. Connect with her at blivewear.com or Instagram @Belinda.n.x.

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