How does your perfume affect your mood?

The sense of smell is the only sense that has a direct link to the brain, it does not run through any other pathways, therefore, the effect of your sense of smell is instant. And because our memories & emotions are stored in this same part of the brain, the limbic system, you are likely to always attach a memory or emotion to what you smell, which ultimately has the ability to alter your mood.

Nature Care College: learning about what it means to be ‘well’

Now more than ever, people are seeking more fulfilling, purposeful lives and are looking to the world of health and wellbeing to find it. Science and research are telling us that how we think, feel, see and engage with the world affects our cellular biology (overall health). This is something that the ancient healers and civilisations of the world have known for thousands of years.

Byron’s hidden gem

With its influx of Hollywood stars and the infiltration of remote workers, some people are saying that Byron Bay is losing its alternative label and health-centred charm. However, you can still find an equitable option at Byron Yoga Retreat Centre.