Isolation from others changes the way your nerves function.
These exercise supplements will help you maintain your energy, protect your body, support your muscles and bones and lift immunity.
Aerobic exercise beats resistance training for weight loss.
Adding an avocado to a hamburger reduces some of the harmful effects of the burger.
The “magic number†for memory may not be “7†after all.
As we consume more than the planet can produce we have to consider future food options.
If you want to make changes this year there is a popular story that tells how to do it.
Asparagus has been reported to be a hangover cure but there are other options.
Skeletons found in a Sicilian cave reveal bizarre food secrets of the first Sicilians.
Gorillas live longer if they have an extraverted personality.
Facebook friends add stress.
Exercise can give your memory a short term boost.
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