Feeling emotions like disgust changes your physical perception of the world.
Guitarists playing different parts of the same song experience brain-synch.
Women tend to earn more if they work in less male oriented professions.
Coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of mouth and throat cancer.
Could chewing gum be the new way to get your daily vitamin dose?
Rivalry between siblings can cause real psychological harm if not managed well.
Solo pop and rock stars are more likely to die young than members of a band.
A worldwide study shows that IQ is a largely meaningless concept.
The Canadian Medical Journal backs New York’s move to ration soft drink sizes.
Menus showing the distance needed to walk off kilojoules help keep weight down.
Whether you give greed or generosity; that’s what you get back.
The capacity to make a fist may have played a role in how human hands evolved.
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