These croquettes are perfect for a light, wholesome meal and keep well for lunches the next day.
Chimpanzees have been shown to have a sense of fairness.
A new brain study explains why fructose might be making you fat.
The One Child Policy of China may have long-term effects on the character of the Chinese people.
Researchers have found what causes road rage and how to remedy it.
Grape seed extract inhibits the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
Getting physically fit requires motivation and it generates emotional and spiritual renewal. Here are 10 steps to follow for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fitness.
Even brief interruptions can cause you to lose focus and make mistakes.
Your unique knee-print may be able to identify you as well as fingerprints or DNA.
Spending more of your work day standing can lead to real weight loss.
The colour of your mug affects the flavour of your hot chocolate.
Eating more fruit and vegetables is likely to make you feel happier.
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