Researchers have found the psychological reason we like to predict the future.
It seems that tidy desks and messy desks both have their advantages in the office.
Neuropathic pain can be debilitating but antioxidants might offer some hope as a treatment.
Cocoa flavanols can protect against memory decline via a nerve-blood mechanism.
High blood glucose levels, even in the “normal†range, increase dementia risk.
The evolutionary factor that favoured monogamous couples has been identified.
Keeping your teeth and mouth healthy can reduce your chance of developing Alzheimer’s.
It seems that when the moon is full it does alter your sleep patterns.
Camping in the great outdoors could have beneficial effects on your bodyclock.
Plastic surgery may make people look a bit younger but not more attractive.
The same hormone involved in falling in love can also make you feel anxious and fearful.
Would you be prepared to drink your own sweat?
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