Bees are threatened by our use of pesticides and fungicides.
With food challenges of the future there will be lots of reasons to eat insects.
Nuts are linked to a longer life, so are peanuts, but not peanut butter.
Attractive men can get away with bad behaviour where unattractive men cannot.
There is a reason why good people do bad things and it can be avoided.
If you share a bathroom you may be sharing more than you care to know via your toothbrush.
Adding eggs or oil to your salad improves absorption of carotenoids.
Positive food messages work better than negative ones for most people.
Being true to your self changes the way that you feel and behave.
People who are cynical tend to make less money.
Views of grassy green rooftops can boost concentration.
What you post about on Facebook reveals your personality type.
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