How witty! Sarcasm may actually boost creativity.
Touching may be even better for the toucher than it is for the touch-ee.
We all need breaks in the work day but you can make your breaks work for you?
Smell the market?! Smell is perhaps the most powerful of the senses and is a big part of marketing.
Sweet like chocolate! Sinking your teeth in cacao can help lower your blood pressure
Is leaving a voice message better than sending an email for those in love?
Lack of sleep can dramatically increase your chances of catching a cold.
Research discovers a new reason why running makes you happy.
High protein foods, especially from plants, are good for your heart health.
It seems that a good cry can actually improve your mood.
Are some people hangover immune and can you avoid a hangover after heavy drinking?
Naps during the day can help lower blood pressure and alleviate need for blood pressure medications.
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