Cricketers perform better when properly hydrated. Cricket is a largely inexplicable game to the uninitiated. Although the rules and aims of the game remain obscure one thing is clear to even the least cricket-savvy observer; cricket involves lots of standing around, often in the sun. Cricket-philes (self-dubbed “cricket tragic”) will know that fast bowlers who […]
Reading books can extend your lifespan. Do you read? By that I don’t mean do you look at text messages or check out Instagram posts. Rather, do you get yourself a book (not a Kindle, a paper book) and settle in for a session of reading on a regular basis. If you do, and perhaps […]
A Mediterranean style diet can help maintain your memory and cognitive function. Memories can be anything from “misty and water-coloured” to “golden” but whatever hue your memories may be you want to keep them. “Memory” is a term that we use colloquially to represent our cognitive function (because saying, “Oh, my cognitive function just isn’t […]
When women are involved in decisions, compromise is assured.
The taste of beer can be altered by music — for the better. Time to crank those tunes…
A new antibiotic is discovered in the human nose. Be prepared to choke on your sipping beverage because the stark medical fact is that some estimates suggest that in the coming decades more people will die from antibiotic resistant bacteria than cancer. To avoid this we need to use antibiotics selectively and properly but the […]
Is meat a good source of protein but bad for your health?
Researchers have found a way to convert carbon dioxide into fuel. Around about 2.4 billion years ago something pretty important happened…no, it wasn’t the evolution of the first lycra-producing algae and neither was it the visit to this planet of double-helix shaped aliens from the star-cluster Diana Nubla. In fact, it was around 2.4 billion […]
Research reveals a healthy way to deal with relationship conflict. Relationships can be wonderful things but they aren’t always smooth sailing. There will inevitably be moments of conflict in any relationship whether it be over where you squeeze the toothpaste tube or whether you should buy that house. A healthy relationship is not one without […]
Deodorant helps less masculine men in the eyes of women. There is a lot to be said for the values and life practices of earlier times in our history. Our ancestors were probably mostly far more physically active than we are today and their foods were certainly less processed (although with a little thought it […]
Research looks at how reading fiction impacts you. Do you feel guilty about reading that novel you have next to your bed? Do you think that you really should be reading a biography or a non-fiction tome that will reveal to you the “real world”? Well, you can let that guilt go right now because […]
Sitting is bad for you but how much exercise will offset the sitting you do? They are saying that sitting is the new smoking. We know that sitting causes its own challenges for your health, not just because you aren’t doing other more active things while you are sitting but because sitting actually causes problems […]
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