
Heart attacks stay in your genes

There was a time when we spoke of genetics as something fixed and immutable; “Oh, I can’t help my tendency to wear inappropriately tight clothing, my mum did it too, it’s in my genes.” There was a sense that genes were destiny and that nothing could alter them but now we know that your DNA […]


Here’s how you can encourage healthy teen eating

Teenagers are notoriously hard to manage partly because they are by definition at a stage life where they don’t want to be managed. Adolescence is a time of asserting yourself and part of that is to rebel against norms. That becomes a problem if, in the case of food for example, a norm such as […]

Walks predict aggression

As a species we place great emphasis on our ability to communicate. As soon as you read that sentence your thoughts will have immediately turned to our linguistic skills; our capacity to talk, read, and write. As important as this is to who we are as a species a significant amount of our communication actually […]


Eating fallen food

Life is complex and to get through it without having to think about everything you do along the way, you make up rules. These rules to live by usually make sense, like “look before you cross the road” but sometimes we hold onto rules without any evidence that they are actually valid. That is why […]