
The laugh’s on you

Humans laugh before we talk. Laughter is an inevitable part of daily life, but do you know why you do it? Laughter has fascinating evolutionary roots and some even more interesting psychological effects.


A guilty treasure

Chocolate is a global powerhouse commodity and a deep personal pleasure. Could it be that something that tastes so delicious, and is so sensual, might also be good for you? We bite into chocolate to find out the truth.


Your ageing eyes

Your eyes work hard for you every waking minute. It is no surprise that how your eyes age will be determined by how you protect them. Eating the right foods can go along way towards ensuring that your eyes stay healthy for a lifetime.

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Nudes Flash

Do you enjoy a good frolic in the nude within the confines of your home? Do you like to get naked in the outdoors? Or do you think that nudity should be confined to solitary bathing? One this is certain, nudity has meaning of some kind for everyone, so let’s mentally disrobe and engage in some naked truths.

The Moon

Moon Magic

The moon has entranced the human psyche for as long as we have existed. Our lunar neighbour has many powers that influence our daily life, our thoughts and our planet.

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Gifts of Love

It is an awkward moment when you first tell someone that you love them. To make the process easier, humans have developed a wide array of tokens, which, when given as gifts, symbolise loving feelings. These love tokens have changed and evolved over centuries, and they continue to evolve today.

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When you’re smiling

Smiling is deeply etched into our DNA, probably beginning 30 million years ago among our primate ancestors. While there are many variations of the smile, not all of them pleasant, you can use a smile to your own benefit.