Change your life through Projection & Reflection

I want to introduce you to a concept that can change your life called projection and reflection. You may have heard of it. It’s a simple technique but it can have a profound effect on changing the elements of yourself that you wish to change and heal past hurts as well. And the great thing is you never outgrow it and it doesn’t cost you a cent.

Beating the Blues – knowing depression

Most people suffer from depression at some points in their lives. Depression isn’t always the stereotype we hear about, not getting out of your pjs and staying in bed sleeping all day. Mild depression or getting the blues is something suffered by many people who just momentarily find life overwhelming and out of control with them feeling powerless to do anything about it.

Juggling life – stay calm & not stressed

One of the things I get asked a lot is how I manage to keep all of my balls in the air without losing my composure and also managing to be happy and content most of the time. I know it certainly is hard to keep stress low when you have a lot on your plate but it is possible to be busy without it turning into stress, anxiety and exhaustion.

Laughing & stress release

Laughing is one of the best known remedies of a lot of illnesses. People have been known to laugh themselves well from cancer or to stop anxiety attacks through learning how to laugh. It can also seriously lighten your mood and your outlook on life and reduce stress and anxiety. Laughing is a lot more […]