I’m sure most of you have heard at least somewhere about the 80/20 rule. It is applied in many circumstances and a lot of the time in relation to wealth than 20% of the people have 80% of the money. Well the 80/20 rule also applies to personal development and our issues as well.
Something that I hear over and over from people is them wondering whether other people have the same sorts of issues that they have, is what I’m telling you “normal” or have you never heard it before? Am I a total weirdo and the only one feeling this???
Breathing. Sounds pretty simple, a no brainer. But did you know that a lot of people don’t breathe correctly? To test your breathing take a look at a child around 2 and see how they are breathing. You’ll notice that their stomach expands as they breath in and that the movement goes from the stomach up to the lungs. Now look at how you breathe. Does your breath go down to your stomach or does it finish at your chest?
Most people if they were honest would probably say their head. You know when you’re in your head when you think too much, can’t sleep as you are thinking and suffer from analysis paralysis. You can also tell if you are in your head if life lacks that fullness and luster that you have experienced before.
I just recently did a cleanse. It was a 10 day program with herbal capsules and a strict diet. That meant doing without all the things I have grown accustomed. Tea (sweet tea with milk), sugar, carbs, alcohol basically everything except fruit and veggies.
I hear a lot these days about people snooping on their partners. Our information is more accessible than ever to our partner with a lot of people having smart phones, email and texts which save all our information. So finding an email, phone number or text is quite easy to do.
Grief is a difficult thing. It overcomes up and feels like it will never end. It’s hard to give into the tears for many reasons be it your gender, where you are or your inability to let go.
Often I’m asked the question what is well being and how do you get it (or get more of it). Well being is what everyone wants to feel often without knowing what it looks like or even how it feels. Often it just is to feel better than how I’m feeling right now.
Communication is one of those things we all think we are doing correctly. I cant tell you how many times I’ve heard people tell me they are excellent at communicating with their partner only to see the vast gaps in communication when they are both present.
It’s hard to stay on track towards the things that you really want. And I don’t mean stuff that you kind of want, I mean the things that really matter. Life goals, aspirations and dreams.
Do you find life just happens to you or are you someone who finds the connections behind the scenes? Did you know that everything in life happens for a reason and that there are no coincidences? That’s right you heard me correctly there are no coincidences … ever.
Why is support so crucial? In today’s world we live very disconnected, individual lives. We don’t have much to do with our neighbours or communities as in past times and life can be very isolating. Women often find this when they have children when their families are not living near by and all of a sudden they are on their own. We are like a bunch of people all sharing the same area but with no direct contacts with each other. Making things more difficult is the way we tend to hide things from other people. We want to keep our mask on at all costs letting everyone know that we are just fine.
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