Relishing the success of others is crucial for strengthening your relationships & for bringing more happiness and contentedness to your life.
The “expectation effect” is not about notions of magical magnetism, it is about a scientific understanding that what you expect has real, tangible power to shape your world.
Mastering the art of solitude has a range of potentially life-changing rewards if you can learn to embrace it. Here we discover the difference between being alone and being lonely and what you can do to keep a healthy balance.
Learn how to turn off autopilot and move from a practice that is “naive” to a purposeful and deliberate practice.
Psychological courage involves facing a deep-seated fear of acknowledging and accepting your faults and vulnerabilities. We look at how you can confront the truth of your behaviours and elicit change.
Learning to breathe better not only boosts your energy levels. A controlled, calm breath can help reduce stress, improve your thinking, ease chronic pain and bridge the connection between your body and mind.
Whatever circumstance or behaviour led you to feel it, guilt is an emotion that needs to be dealt with in order to leave the past where it belongs.
While you are responsible for your feelings, perhaps a deeper question to ask is what is responsible for the emotions you feel? Your amygdala has a bit of explaining to do. Your feelings leave quite a trail behind them, but on this path of emotional awareness, you can cultivate a wiser approach to managing your emotional responses to situations.
“Should” is an insidious notion often fraught with expectations, obligations and distress. Free yourself from “shoulds” by becoming aware of how they show up in your life, gently accepting your reality and taking the pressure off an unrealistic desire for perfection.
Self-awareness is a powerful tool to help you notice the expectations you have with yourself, in your relationships and with the rest of the world, as they may not all be the same.
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