If we have a need to show our best selves to the universe, could this drive be linked to the age-old quest for immortality and actually be doing us more good than harm?
Unless we significantly alter our daily habits we may witness climate change so devastating our lives will become troubled. Here’s how to change your habits for the good of your and the planet’s health.
What most of us don’t realise is that, despite the multitasking digestive brilliance of the many cells that line our digestive tract, we have a limited capacity to break down foods, especially fibre. Let’s take a look at, and celebrate, the bugs that do it for us .
Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that’s essential for DNA production and DNA repair. We take a look at its role, benefits and what to do if you’re deficient.
The strategies for reaching this milestone include adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy microbiome, protein and maintaining healthy brain function.
Stem cells for arthritis – magical rejuvenation or fake news?
WellBeing columnist Michael Elstein takes us through the ins and outs of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
Exercise in a pill… Is it possible? We take a look at the latest science.
Michael Elstein debates the upsides and downsides of taking supplements.
Michael Elstein warns against ignoring the threats posed by antibiotics.
Michael Elstein talks about how acid buildup in the body can cause harm.
Michael Elstein weighs up pharmaceuticals and vitamins.
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