Researchers analysed how women’s expectations and beliefs about exercise foster or undermine things that make them happy.
Meditation produces a whole range of outcomes and some of them will be challenging and distressing.
Researchers discovered a brain network which processes social interactions in monkeys which explain our abilities to understand other people’s thoughts.
Exposure to high levels of traffic pollution affects children at the DNA level.
Biological ageing can be slowed down by intense physical activity, according to new study.
Religious people are more likely to oppose reproductive genetic technologies.
Increased yoghurt consumption is associated with higher hip bone density and a reduced risk of osteoporosis in older adults.
Growing fruits and vegetables hydroponically reduced anxiety and fostered interest in learning science, according to study.
Tai Chi is as effective as talk therapy in treating breast cancer related insomnia.
Want to feel more positive? Simply walking is enough to improve mood and general sense of wellbeing in normally inactive people.
Mindfulness meditation has a more significant effect on women than men.
Cinnamon may reduce the risk of cardiovascular damage associated with a high fat diet.
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