Researchers discovered that prescription asthma medication can halve the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
A new study finds that fallen autumn leaves can be converted into porous carbon material for use in high-tech electronics.
A study investigates the biological mechanisms during yoga and meditation practice by looking at markers of stress and inflammation.
Dark chocolate enriched with olive oil reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease significantly.
A study on sexual behaviours captures a wide range of sexual behaviours and romance is the most appealing. Romance tops a wide range of sexual behaviour
A new study shows that a protein in abdominal fat can turn non-cancerous cells into cancerous tumours.
Exercise in mid-life is not associated to cognitive fitness in later years as established by other previous studies.
Researchers examines how frequently and in what order different aspects of near-death-experience occur.
People who have a diminished sense of taste choose sweeter and higher calorie foods to compensate.
People who see colours while perceiving smells are better at distinguishing between smells and colours, and in naming odours accurately.
Exercise helps prevent cognitive decline and researchers now examine how exercise brain metabolism.
Simple shifts in driving habits can reduce exposure to traffic pollutants and resultant health problems.
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