Extract from coralberry plant has the potential to treat asthma.
Good social network may help alleviate the stress brought on by everyday conflict between marital partners.
Low dose exposure to radiation is less risky than other modern lifestyle risks such as obesity, smoking and air pollution.
Adding 48 minutes of moderate exercise per week can reduce the loss of mobility and disability in older adults.
Coffee consumption may be associated to a lower risk of early death in older adults, according to new research.
A computer could predict who is desirable and how much someone is desired but no two people were a match.
Scratching may have evolved as a form of social communication which helps alleviate conflict.
A study finds that children with asthma are often prescribed antibiotics even though they don’t need it.
Study shows that women can outlast men in dynamic muscles exercises and in everyday physical movements.
A study compares the effects of meditation and hatha yoga on our brain function, energy levels and mood.
Higher consumption of red meat and poultry is associated with an increased risk of diabetes.
A study shows that facial recognition is developed in the brain through exposure to faces.
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