If you want to jump out of bed each day buzzing and zinging with energy, let Ayurveda and yoga bring vibrancy back to your being.
This month, give yourself time to slow down, nurture yourself, practise yoga, meditate and align with the yin nature of this season.
Ahimsa is the practice of nonviolence in thought, word and deed toward others, the environment and yourself.
Understanding and balancing the seven chakras is an important key to achieving health and harmony in your life. In the first of our two-part series, we look at the lower three.
For glowing skin that radiates good health, nourish and nurture yourself on the inside with nutritious food and time-honoured self-care practices.
Nurture yourself through winter’s colder, darker days with warming, nourishing, invigorating practices for body, mind and spirit.
Discover how to tap into a powerful source of wellbeing simply by learning to work with your prana.
We explore the eight limbs of yoga as well as how you, as a modern-day yogi, can apply them in daily life.
Brahmacharya is a core yogic teaching that can be interpreted as “celibacy” — but relax, you don’t need to give up sex to be spiritual.
Discover how to stay cool, calm and joyful all season long by living in harmony with nature’s cycles.
Do you feel like you are losing control over your life? Are you worried, stressed, tense, irritable and moody? You are not alone. Here are our powerful natural ways to de-stress.
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