The Italian eco-village of Damanhur has been following its own unique path with a strong focus on social experimentation and spiritual exploration.
In the modern world, a new, more democratic, relational and more efficient version of the workplace is evolving.
The market economy is booming and by that we mean the farmers’ markets where every cent you spend goes back into your local economy. Isn’t it time you got to know your providores by name again?
Increasing numbers of people, including environmentalists, are tuning into the idea that human numbers may have reached an excessive level.
The Japanese have a word that means “sudden death by overworkâ€, which is a good sign that we may need to rethink attitudes about our working lives. So how did we get here and what are the alternatives?
Shopping has evolved from being a necessary chore to one of the primary leisure activities in Western countries like Australia and New Zealand. There is a common perception that consumerism is innate and that the love of shopping is hard-wired into people: unfortunately, history suggests otherwise.
Tribal story successes and how we can learn from their sustainable practices.
Did you know that changing your diet can help to reduce your carbon footprint? You don’t have to adopt a strict vegan diet to ensure our planet remains healthy.
With the environment, human health and animal welfare under siege, the detrimental effects of factory farming are a serious and growing concern, but consumers have the power to transform the farming industry for the better.
There are still key actions we can all take to help prevent further damage and to ensure ozone-friendly alternatives are chosen for their minimal environmental impact.
As consumers, our shopping choices can affect the future of unique ecosystems, such as the Amazon Basin. So, until further legislation is passed to protect the rainforests of the world, what should be left out of our shopping baskets?
The vast north of Western Australia holds many environmental treasures. However, as the world economy continues to grow, previously untouched areas are finding themselves at the frontline of an accelerating grab for mineral and fuel resources.
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