Say goodbye to monocultures, synthetic fertilisers, pesticides and genetic modification — there’s a new holistic farming system on the block: regenerative agriculture.
Not so long ago, driverless cars were being hyped as the way of the future. Now their advocates are backtracking and have doubts about whether fully autonomous vehicles can exist, except in purpose-built “smart” cities. We take a look at the likely future and the benefits and downsides of driverless vehicles.
Intact tropical forests are wonderful carbon sinks. However, if our forests continued to be destroyed or illegally logged, they could become net carbon sources and pose an additional threat to a stable climate.
The phenomenon of planned obsolescence where items are designed to break down or be replaced generates enormous amounts of waste and contributes significantly to climate change. A “repair economy” may be the answer to a sustainable way forward.
Are you one of the 4 to 10 per cent of our population suffering from electrosenstivity? Find out more about the effects of EM bombardment and how to combat it
When you visit your closet, are garments threatening to spill out onto the floor? You’re not alone. In recent years, concerns have been raised over excessive consumption of clothing, two thirds of it synthetic, and the environmental impacts from this voracious demand for new clothes.
Renewable energy is booming and there are more than 200,000 wind turbines worldwide. But concerns have been raised that wind farms may cause health problems in the form of Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS). We examine the arguments to see if WTS really exists.
More than half of the world’s population live in cities. The design of those cities is of vital importance for not only the people who live there but also for the future of the planet.
What are nanoparticles? Nanoparticles find their way — often unlabelled — into your food and now scientists and environmentalists are pointing out the risks.
Genetically modified foods have been with us two decades now — so what is the latest knowledge around these additions to our food supply?
Having “stuff” is hard to avoid but we all need to do something about it. Read what you can do.
If you eat packaged food, it’s highly likely that some chemicals from the packaging will leach into the food. The question is, how do those chemicals impact on your health?
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