Salmon is one of the best sources of beneficial omega-3 essential fatty acids. These healthy fats are vital for brain function, memory, and they also support a healthy immune system. Omega-3s are very nourishing for the skin and joints and have a potent anti-inflammatory action.
Black beans are beneficial for supporting cardiovascular health. Black beans contain vitamin B, iron, unsaturated fats and soluble fibre which are important for promoting heart health and keeping cholesterol levels in check.
Tofu will provide you with a good dose of non-haem iron. This important mineral is needed for strengthening the immune system. We need good levels of iron to produce white blood cells and antibodies to protect us from viruses and bacteria and other illness-causing microbes. People with low iron levels often have weakened immune function and are more vulnerable to catching colds and flu and other infections.
One of the most common symptoms of low iron levels is tiredness and fatigue. Adding vitamin C-rich fruits to this breakfast increases the absorption of iron from these foods.
This vibrant green dish made with Asian greens from the brassica family will give you a good dose of vitamin A and carotenoids!
Incorporating these 7 nourishing foods into your daily diet is an excellent way to boost your health and wellbeing.
Chia puddings make a healthy treat for lunchboxes. Chia seeds are loaded with beneficial omega-3 fats to boost your kids’ brain function, and dietary fibre to help keep them regular.
There’s no doubt organic food is good for you and tastes better, but there are even more reasons why organic food is a sensible choice. We explore five good reasons to go organic today.
These lovely, light pancakes made with almond flour are an excellent source of protein and fibre. They make a perfect nourishing breakfast that will help keep cravings at bay. Almonds are also a great source of zinc, vitamin E and calcium. Leftovers are great the next day for school lunchboxes.
Looking for some nutritious springtime snack ideas that will also help promote healthy, radiant skin? These eight spring snacks that are loaded with skin-nourishing antioxidants and nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, zinc and selenium are paramount for supporting skin health and for slowing down premature skin ageing.
This tasty dish provides plenty of protein and dietary fibre. Black beans are rich in heart-friendly nutrients such as vitamin B and iron and they contain soluble fibre that helps to lower high cholesterol levels.
Mushrooms are a great source of potassium, which is an important mineral for helping lower blood pressure and reducing the risk of stroke. Mushrooms also provide a good dose of selenium, which works as an antioxidant protecting cells in the body from free radical damage. Mushrooms are also one of the few plant-based sources of vitamin D that is required for healthy immune function and bones. They also contain beta-glucan, which is a type of soluble fibre that activates the immune system to help fight off infections.
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