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6 Skin-Soothing Foods To Fight Skin Inflammation

If you’re dealing with redness, irritation, swelling and other signs of skin inflammation, it’s a good time to start paying closer attention to the foods on your plate. Inflammation is a common skin concern that can be alleviated by the foods you eat, and incorporating the right ones into your diet can help keep your skin healthy and glowing.

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Spicy Salmon Tacos

This tasty spicy salmon taco recipe is sure to become a favourite in your meal rotation. Salmon is an excellent source of beneficial omega-3 essential fatty acids which are vital for brain function, cardiovascular health and
a strong-functioning immune system. Omega-3 fats also have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Regular taco shells are deep fried in vegetable oil, so making tasty oven-baked taco shells from home is much healthier and they taste better too!

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Vegetarian Lasagne

These naturally occurring plant compounds have a wide range of health benefits and help prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

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Vegan Banana Caramel Flan

This delicious flan not only tastes amazing but is also good for you. Bananas are one of the best sources of vitamin B6, required by the body for healthy nervous system function. This important vitamin is needed to make neurotransmitters serotonin and GABA, and for energy production in muscles. Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps maintain a healthy functioning heart and nervous system as well as keep blood pressure levels normal.