Veggie Fritters

Oven-Baked Vegie Fritters

These tasty vegie fritters are loaded with dietary fibre for good bowel health, beta-carotene for healthy vision and complex carbohydrates to fuel your brain and body. They’re delicious served with your favourite dipping sauce or tzatziki, or as an addition to your next veggie burger. Give them a whirl at home.

Easy DIY Fermented Vegetables

Easy DIY Fermented Vegetables

Fermented vegetables are traditionally eaten in many countries around the world but are unfortunately missing from the common Western diet. When foods are fermented they create beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli, which enhances the growth of beneficial bowel bacteria. The fermenting process also boosts the vegetables digestibility and increases their nutrient content. Here’s a delightful recipe to try at home.

Immune-boosting Miso Ramen Soup

Immune-boosting Miso Ramen Soup

Miso is a highly nutritious food that contains numerous health-promoting benefits. Beneficial bacteria found in miso help promote the proliferation of ‘friendly’ bacteria in the bowel, which plays a big role in our immune health. Enjoy making this delicious recipe at home and reap the benefits yourself.

Apple Cider Vinegar Green Tea

Apple Cider Vinegar Green Tea

Green tea is brimming with health benefits and contains potent antioxidants called polyphenols that help support immune function. Raw apple cider vinegar is a prebiotic food that can help support the growth of healthy microflora in the gut. Cayenne is beneficial for supporting healthy immune function, and for treating colds and flu, as it helps clear mucus congestion, and eases sore throats and coughs. Here is an easy-to-make recipe to bring some health into your home.

Chunky Granola

Chunky Almond Granola

This chunky almond granola is jam-packed with dietary fibre to help lower cholesterol levels, along with B vitamins and slow-release complex carbohydrates for energy. This delicious crunchy granola is a healthy alternative to store-bought sugar-laden granolas and now you can make this at home!

Pear & Strawberry Pancakes

Pear Spelt Pancakes with Strawberry Purée

Pears and strawberries are rich sources of vitamin C, which is vital for boosting immune function and for supporting adrenal gland and skin health. Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient that helps improve collagen production and promotes healthy radiant skin. Here’s an easy recipe you can try at home!

Potato Kale Hash

Kale & Potato Hash

Home cooking with kale and eggs. Kale contains high levels of sulphur compounds essential for liver detoxification of carcinogens. Eggs provide plenty of protein along with vitamin B12 needed for nerve function, and choline required to make acetylcholine, a brain chemical vital for enhancing memory. Eggs are also a source of vitamin D, needed for strong bones and optimal immune function.

Mexican-Stuffed Sweet Potato

Mexican-Stuffed Sweet Potato

Did you know that the bright orange colour of sweet potatoes indicates the presence of high levels of beta-carotene? This important nutrient is converted to vitamin A in the body and is vital for good eyesight, healthy gums, bone development and a strongly functioning immune system. Here’s a sweet potato recipe to keep you healthy!

Avocado Pesto Buckwheat Pasta

Avocado Pesto Buckwheat Pasta

Buckwheat is actually a fibre-rich seed, which is used just like a grain. It is gluten-free and not related to wheat. Try making this yummy Avocado pesto and buckwheat pasta at home!

Poached Chai Pear Chocolate Cake

Poached Chai Pear Chocolate Cake

Pears are a great source of soluble fibre, with one pear providing around a quarter of your daily recommended fibre intake, and the warming spices in chai are beneficial for digestive health, balancing blood sugar levels and for improving circulation.