Deep happiness isn’t something you can seek through external achievements alone. You need to look within — and yoga can be a marvellous tool for discovering it.
Meet three couples who are renovating their homes to make them more sustainable. Discover how thoughtful eco-renovation can be better for the planet and save you money long-term.
Learn how to use yoga to tend to your thoughts and consciously live an empowering existence.
A loving renovation or redesign of your home using the ancient practice of vastu shastra can improve your relationships.
The ability to explore the world around us is a privilege and with this yoga travel kit by your side, you’ll be ready for take-off whenever you wish.
Yoga can help you discover the sacred nature of sexual love and expression, as well as attain deeply satisfying sexual experiences and genuine love from intimacy.
The Ayurvedic approach to enjoying the food that nurtures us brings to eating the same mindfulness that is central to yoga practice.
Yoga for children is different to adult yoga, but it still provides many spiritual, mental and physical benefits.
Yoga teaches we are connected as one, so the suffering of others directly affects the ability of all of us to develop serenity.
Use these asanas and a focus on the breath to quiet the inner critic and find a space of peace and contentment within yourself.
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