Spinach is a great vegetable for your health packed full of minerals and vitamins. This means it can provide many health benefits.
After the year we have all had its a good time to use the New Year energy as an opportunity to clear out those negative energies that hold you back.
The chakras are energy centres of your body integral in determining your future health. Healing of your energy will help physical healing.
Cilantro is packed full of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. It can help with bacterial infections and as a natural remedy for upset stomachs for a long time. It helps with bloating and gas, heartburn, and stomach cramps.
Essential oils have always help people heal and relax, diminish feelings of fatigue and anxiety. Many of them work as a stimulus for certain areas of the body and alleviate symptoms of distress. They can affect pars of the brain that control emotions, behaviour, motivation, long-term memory, and assist in lowering depression, anxiety, and self-doubt.
The study of your aura and energy field is an interesting and intense one. It will lead you to new insights on all levels of your being.
EMFs or electromagnetic fields can affect your health in many different ways. There is much controversy in the scientific world as to the harm they cause but the good news is there are many ways to counteract the impact they have on you. If you have medically unexplained illnesses or generally feel bad you can start to look in the areas of how much exposure you have to EMFs.
Obesity impacts on your health, lowers your immunity and is a precursor to many diseases. Weight loss leads to alkalinity which assists with good health
Ashwagandha could be beneficial in helping to reduce stress and assist with many other health issues. It lifts your immune system by diminishing inflammation which is a root cause of many illnesses.
Some people with intolerance to Salicylates are not aware of it as it can present as any other allergy. Tests and natural remedy assistance is available.
Trauma can be healed by pulling out the seeds that were planted then empowering you with the tools that remove the impact of the trauma.
Satsangh is a Sanskrit word meaning a sacred gathering or being in the company of good people. It is important because the company you keep rubs off and people become like each other. So if you are mixing with people who are negative you will start to think of yourself and others in negative terms. If you are already doing this it can be changed. This article explains why Satsangh is important and how to change things in your life.
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