A food craving is a biochemical urge usually influenced by flavour, taste, aroma, texture or temperature as well as the memories of pleasure associated with the food.
There are many kinds of addiction but some of the most common in our society are to cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and both legal and illegal drugs.
Did you know despite all your attempts to detox, eat healthy, get enough rest etc. you could still be unknowingly putting toxins into your body – via your makeup, shampoo and skin care?
Our kidneys are located at the back of the abdominal cavity pretty much just above the back of your waist. They are important in homeostasis which has got to do with the balance and regulation of how the body works. They also play a part in regulating the acid and electrolyte balances, the fluids in the body and the regulation of blood pressure.
Did you know that most women that walk through my door have some problem with hormones?
The muscles at the centre of your back are important for flexibility and relief from pain.
Osteoporosis is a disease that thins the bones and can lead to fractures.
Glyconutritionals are imperative to good health and good immunity. They are natural – not synthetic.
Your thoughts are very powerful and can shape your life in a positive or negative way.
How many of you are aware that way back in 2006 John Hopkins University showed that a combination of Curcumin and Quercetin greatly reduces the size and number of colorectal polyps?
An acquaintance recently sent me this moving story about someone who in spite of great obstacles kept his dream alive.
Ginseng is an herb that has been used in Asian and Russian cultures for centuries for the flavour it adds to cooking but more importantly as an herbal medicine.
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