How to do the Inner-Smile Meditation

The most famous practitioner of inner-smile meditation is Grand Master Mantak Chia, who operates from the Tao Gardens Resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Chia teaches the Universal Healing Tao, a self-help system for curing illness and stress and for enhancing all aspects of life.

Aromatherapy for winter health

We are well into winter and many of us wishing for Spring. The season has taken its toll on our health sometimes via colds and flu, aches and pains and dry skin. Here are some tips to help you overcome these and carry you through to the new season.


Did you know that insulin resistance is responsible for many illnesses including weight gain? It is also linked to free radical damage which can be the foundation of many major illnesses such as diabetes.


Diverticular disease occurs when small pockets or pouches occur in the bowel. These pockets (diverticula) can get inflamed or infected and cause symptoms. When the pouches become inflamed it’s called diverticulitis.