black cumin is used medicinally for thousands of years, & modern research shows it supports cardiovascular, immune & digestive function.
Reputed to be the world’s first chewing gum, mastic gum is a resin secreted by the mastic tree, traditionally grown on the Greek island of Chios, and it has some powerful healing properties.
Learn about an integrative approach to treating recurrent sinusitis, including dietary changes, herbal remedies, & alternatives to medication
The vibrant purples and whites of native violets make them a valued ground cover, but they are also edible and have many healing qualities.
Karen Bridgman shares a case study of a 40-year-old company executive and mother of two children who suffer from adrenal fatigue and shares the treatments and strategies she implemented to overcome and feel herself again.
Barberry is a source of the chemical berberine and has cardiovascular, neurological and immune effects.
Coconut water is not only a refreshing drink, but it supports everything from heart health to athletic performance.
Tea is the most popular beverage in the world after water and it has a range of healing properties.
Bone mineral density is a measure of bone strength. The main areas of potential concern are the spine, particularly the lower spine, and the hip joint and upper femur.
Although its name points to its aphrodisiac qualities, horny goat weed has many other health benefits.
Dr Karen Bridgman tells u show the edible young seedlings of a range of vegetables are rich in nutrition and healing properties.
Once used to treat the plague, this plant is used today for respiratory conditions and for soothing digestion.
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