Orange fruit not only provides a variety of nutrients, but the skin, oils and seeds are also used medicinally.
Shatavari has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and protects against the ravages of stress.
Cloves are a flavoursome spice but they also have powerful and well-recognised medicinal effects.
Although not considered an essential amino acid, L-glutamine is vital to overall wellbeing.
The mountain-loving herb arnica is a terrific counter-irritant, and it also has antimicrobial and immune-stimulating effects.
It may be a familiar kitchen staple, but celery’s crunchy demeanour masks profound healing powers.
Mullein is a wonderful all-purpose respiratory herb thanks to its soothing, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and diuretic properties.
Hemp has a fascinating history and many uses that may play a role in the planet’s future.
How worried should we be about the radiation leaks from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear reactors and are there ways to protect ourselves and our health?
Incontinence may be a taboo subject, but it’s also a very common problem, so many people will be relieved to find there are natural ways to combat this potentially life-changing condition.
Giving in to cravings for sweets can cause all sorts of health problems, but there are ways to help your body to deal with sugar more effectively.
Your cholesterol isn’t the only risk factor involved with heart disease. Find out what else might be putting your heart health in danger.
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