Breathing correctly can improve your health and help ensure longevity.
Forget quick fixes, the elixir of youth is an active lifestyle. Find out why exercise is one of the best anti-aging mechanisms
Used in Asia as a complementary cancer therapy, mushroom immunoceuticals can lessen the side effects of conventional treatments and boost the immune system.
Combatting the harmful chemicals in your environment may just be the key to slow your ageing.
Counter the effects of ageing from the inside out by eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables and balancing your mix of food groups.
Suffering from a foggy brain, sore back or stress overload? Supplements can help your body and mind feel young again and assist with anti aging.
These wise and empowering Eastern philosophies will help you live longer, healthier and become more spiritually connected.
Your brain can grow if you eat the right foods.
Practicing gratitude can act as healing for the body and mind.
As elephants’ survival is placed in jeopardy, locations in Thailand and Sri Lanka are turning their refuges into places of charm and enchantment, where human and elephant can connect.
Light has been worshiped as a source of the divine, but it can also be used to empower your own personal journey
Sound is often a background noise in our daily lives but are we taking it for granted? Could sound be the primordial creative source from which all life has manifested?
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