An apple a day improves your digestion by feeding healthy bacteria.
The eye makeup worn by Cleopatra and Nefertiti had magic beyond enhancing their appearance.
Regular yoga practise reduces inflammation in your body and helps it deal with stress.
Wearing jeans on your next bushwalk might provide protection from snake bite.
We hear about it all the time, but do we really know what the metabolism is or how it really functions in our bodies?
Research has established how long breast milk can be stored and maintain its nutritional value.
Ancient Mars had a lot more water, and possibly more life, than we thought.
New research has cast doubt on previous theories as to why we have fingerprints.
People with hepatitis C can give their liver some protection by drinking coffee.
Running barefoot is better for your body than running in running shoes.
February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and Ovarian Cancer Australia have provided a few facts on the disease and symptoms that, if recognised and followed up with a medical appointment, might just save your life. What Are The Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer? The four most frequently reported symptoms from women diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer are: […]
Taking action to achieve your goals is not the challenge. The true challenge is taking the right course of action. Knowing how to achieve your goals is part of achieving them.
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