As you age, it’s likely that your muscle strength will decrease, but specific resistance training exercises can maintain your strength by training your brain.
Salt has acquired a bad reputation over the years, but it’s not all bad. When added to self-prepared meals, salt can bring any summer dish to life and help you feel more satisfied.
Most food products are packaged primarily with economic efficiency, not consumer health, in mind. Exposure to chemicals can make the food we consume damaging to our health, so it’s important to know what’s really cooking.
Lentils are a healthy, low-calorie food that’s inexpensive and can be the basis for delicious dining.
When exploring our sense of spirituality, the term enlightenment is often encountered, but what does is actually mean to conquer this quest and be truly enlightened?
The people who radiate the most happiness and joy in life are also those who take good care of their insides. Learning to nourish and worship the temples that are your miraculous body, mind and soul is fundamental to healthy, happy living.
What can you do when you make the painful discovery that something you have done has hurt your child? We look at coping with the guilt and moving on as a successful and happy parent.
Women prefer kind men for the long term and for just one date.
Exposure to certain pesticides could increase risk of thyroid disease.
Analysis has revealed more than malaria killed Egyptian Pharaoh, Tutankhamun.
Beer may be a significant source of a nutrient that increases bone density.
Adding some rosemary to your beef reduces the production of cancer causing chemicals.
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