Your body image is how you perceive your appearance to be in the eyes of others. Through yoga, you can move beyond the quest for the ‘perfect’ body and find genuine self-acceptance.
It’s not all massages and monkeys in Bali, as one traveller discovered when she delved a little deeper to discover the healing heart of this incredibly spiritual island.
Vitamins stored in kitchens and bathrooms may become less effective.
An afternoon nap not only refreshes your mind, it makes you smarter.
A new method of testing suggests how garlic has anti-cancer power in humans.
A tree common in the developing world may provide both food and pure water.
A good detox goes a long way, boosting energy and overall wellbeing. Discover some simple ways to enjoy the luxury and pampering of a quality spa detox in the comfort of your own home!
A unique new spa treatment at Gwinganna Health Retreat takes couples on a journey of pure indulgence.
Storing spinach in the light keeps it full of vitamins.
Need a diversion? Check out the sites that have been lifting our spirits this week. The World Needs all Kinds of MindsTemple Grandin suffers from autism and in her talk at the 2010 TED (Technology, Entertinment, Design) conference raises the point that this diagnosis should not be regarded as a negative, but as something to […]
Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a different and effective approach to weight loss.
Do you love the work you are doing? If not, you may be interested in finding out what your dharma, or life purpose, is. It is possible to craft your life to provide you with more joy and satisfaction every day.
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