Eating fewer calories slows ageing no matter when you start doing it.
Herbs and vegetables shown to block cancer, heart disease, and adult diabetes.
Being dumped by a romantic partner has real physical implications but it’s not all bad.
In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill what are the health implications?
Appreciating all you have right now, whether big or small, is a gift that very few of us possess naturally. So how do you cultivate it and what are the benefits?
Olive fruit and oil are consumed by millions of people every day and the use of olive leaf extract to treat disease and maintain health is growing in popularity.
An additive to processed foods may cause gas, bloating and diarrhoea.
Full, pouty lips are so popular these days that products promising to plump up your lips are all the rage. The question is, do they work and how safe are they?
The faster your weight loss, the less discerning your body is about what it burns for energy. This means that when dieting, you may be losing a startling 60 per cent muscle and only 40 per cent fat. Here’s how to avoid this dieting trap!
Sustainable living is one thing but a new report has looked at sustainable dying.
You are hard-wired to know when a hottie is checking you out.
The mechanism by which asbestos causes mesothelioma may have been found.
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