The must-have natural ingredients that will combat any beauty emergency.
If you grow your own herbal teas, you’ll suddenly discover another world, one in which chamomile tastes of flowers and sunlight and lemon verbena is sweeter and more subtle than lemongrass. Here’s how!
Lime juice combined with sunlight can cause unwanted skin blemishes.
Women who have survived breast cancer benefit from eating lots of soy.
It’s way early on a Saturday to be at the laptop and I’ve just watched the Pinot Guy’s presentation for – he’s telling us to write more, blog more, find time, take your laptop on the bus, do more than your competitors – it’s worked for him. So… if pushing the limits of what […]
I love the AA expression “trying is dying”… re-applied to weight-loss, it means, you’ve realized what you need to do but you’re lost without a start somewhere in between knowing and doing. This is why the Dark Mistress launched in and rode her bike 50Km last weekend… This is about natural weight-loss after all – […]
Your beliefs about your own capacities determine those capacities.
The Dark Mistress love/hates Google. It is a difficult relationship. I love it for the immediacy and I hate it for the user experience – in this case trawling through weight-loss pills, weight-loss Doctors in the middle of nowhere, American weight-loss ra ra, weight-loss teas, and the newest, latest Jason Clements “EXPLOSIVE approaches to weight-loss”. […]
A component of celery and capsicum can protect against age-related memory loss.
Hope these make you smile. Even if it’s just a little smile.
Love can ease physical pain.
Are you able to pick up on subtle emotional vibes and are particularly attuned to the moods of others? If so, living in an insensitive world may make life a little exhausting for you, but there are ways to protect yourself and nurture your gifts.
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