A study measured the sweat response of men compared to women. Women were found to sweat later then men.
The skin is usually the first organ to show signs of aging. How quickly this occurs depends on many factors including genetics and lifestyle. Anti aging results can be best achieved if you address your health holistically. Therefore a natural skin care should involve a healthy diet, using healing and rejuvenating qualities of botanicals in […]
Putting yourself in a good mood can boost your creativity.
A large number of Australian men have high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, smoke and/or drink too much, are overweight and don’t exercise regularly, increasing their risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Although 57 percent of people now use some form of alternative medicine, findings have been similar to that for allopathic medicine with natural health practitioners observing that, for the most part, it’s women who seem more proactive about their health. But, gradually more men are realising the need to take care of their bodies and minds. Taking a natural health perspective when it comes to men’s health is a beneficial choice.
Eating a Mediterranean style diet helps you think more clearly as you age.
Natural skin care options are a beneficial choice to help keep your skin looking and feeling smooth, radiant and supple. Natural skin care choices are a safe and gentle whereas other products that include harsh chemicals can cause dryness, strip the skin of natural oils and cause inflammation.
Prayer can help deal with harmful emotions.
Terry and Sherry talk about the primitive instincts within us! A study has revealed that men can unconsciously tap into the scent of a woman when she ovulates.
Eating garlic can protect against arthritis of the hip.
New research has revealed just what the party drug “Ecstasy†is doing to users.
There’s an old Italian phrase that can teach us a lot when it comes to experiencing every day life. Il bel far niente, translates to beauty of doing nothing.
Placebos will work even when people know it is a placebo.
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