2011 is the year of the yin metal rabbit, is likely to bring diplomacy, harmony and a family focus to the year ahead.
We perceive people who break social rules as being more powerful.
Just before we left we had a quick group talk. Our coach explained that the locals believed that these falls held great positive energy, for some people this walk may be a life changing experience. In my head, I was going okay it will be a nice walk but what life change experience could happen to me?
An amino acid and antioxidant nutrients can reduce a serious pregnancy condition.
Key detoxification processes are all enhanced by exercise. While it seems that any sort of exercise helps, there are certain types that will really jump-start a cleanse.
Crossing your arms can trick your brain into perceiving less pain.
Cultures around the world have independently believed in an energy body which surrounds and supports your physical body. Just like your physical body, the energy body can become toxic and you need to know how to cleanse it.
Mobile phone use can harm a man’s fertility.
Emotional detoxing focuses on finding love and safety from within and can leave you feeling lighter, clearer, energised and ready to make overdue changes to both your personal and professional life.
Dolphins and Beluga Whales accumulate chemical pollutants.
Masculinity is a delicate thing and needs to be proven again and again.
Sex, coffee, sneezing, cola all increase your chance of a stroke.
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