Making a specific type of plan will help you keep your new year’s resolutions.
True to her name the dark mistress of denial has started fasting this week. Yes – taking a genuine break from food. No food for a full 7 days. The program is supervised of course, and with a few herbs to help along the way… but what a great teacher is fasting. For a start […]
Is being a rock star and aged 27 a lethal combination?
A quick walk can help you eat less chocolate.
The availability of internet search engines does seem to be having an impact on human memory.
Yale researchers have shown the brain effects of meditation.
Creative people are more likely to cheat and deceive.
Nudity acts like a bomb in your brain.
Eating apples can reduce inflammatory bowel disease.
If you are contemplating space travel, your eyes might suffer.
How do we use the colour preference in Homeopathy? We treat it like any other general symptom or modality and integrate it in the
Harvard research suggests that coffee protects against endometrial cancer.
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