Do you ever feel like you want the world to stop for a few days so you can get off?
Learn about this ancient remedy for strengthening sprained joints.
One WellBeing reader shares his real life experience and provides hope for people suffering chronic pain.
Asana practice offers you the space to step back from the “race of life” and creates the opportunity for you to come home to your self.
Children get angry, just like adults, but they too can learn strategies to work through their emotions rather than simply be made to suppress them to “be goodâ€.
Retreat to the NSW Southern Highlands to feed body, mind and soul.
Pratyahara, the fifth limb of yoga, is defined as the conscious withdrawal of energy from the senses. We explore what it means to practise it.
Chia is a pint-sized superfood boasting omega-3s, fibre for weight loss, soluble fibre to control blood sugar levels, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Often overlooked for its simplicity, a pendulum is a powerful tool of divination, whether you are seeking lost valuables, buried treasure or direct guidance from a higher source.
Research suggests that without creativity happiness is hard to find, so it’s a good idea to find ways to light your creative fire and let happiness burn.
This herbal remedy favoured by Native Americans is an antibiotic that has healing effects on digestion and mucous membranes throughout your body.
We explore the yamas (restraints) and niyamas (observances) of yoga.
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