Being present

How to be fully present when your mind Is spinning

If you are feeling the stress and pressure of everyday life and wonder what this life is all about I invite you to take a moment to press pause. Slow down, close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. How do you feel? If your shoulders are tense or there is a ball of anxiety in your belly – breathe into these parts.

Become fully present in your body for a moment and connect with your heart. Just breathe into it and feel its natural rhythm.

No matter where your mind is going and how long your to do list is, there is only one place where you can be and that is right here. In this moment. The more you keep doing and the faster your world is spinning the more important it is to slow down and stop.

If you wish to live your life fully it’s so important to stay present and focused on where you are right now. Your mind may spin in a thousand directions but the truth is that you can only be in one place at a time. How can you be more present today?

I’d love to share some of my favourite ways to do this:

  • Create moments when you stop and breathe. It can be on the bus, during your lunch break, when your baby is napping or when you are waiting in line.
  • Start your day with a ritual. Light a candle, drink your tea mindfully or meditate for 10 minutes before you get out of bed.
  • Write a gratitude list before going to bed. Write down everything you are grateful for – both small and big things. Gratitude is contageous!
  • Move your body. Go for a walk, run or swim and be fully present in your body. If your mind starts racing, gently keep coming back into your body.
  • Connect with nature. It’s so much easier to be present when you are surrounded by the ocean, woods or mountains. Breathe in the fresh air and release any tension in your body. Remember that you are a small part of something so much bigger.

No matter where your mind is going and how long your to do list is, there is only one place where you can be and that is right here.

There are so many ways you can stay present and the first step is to create a plan that works for you. Make it easy and enjoyable so you actually stick to it. Commit to your plan and create time and space for it in your life.

You choose your own priorities. When you say yes and commit to living a more mindful and present life, the opportunities will show up. The more present you are the more you can enjoy your life and your relationships to others.

Stress and a busy lifestyle can deplete you and make you feel overwhelmed and burnt out so make sure you prioritize your health and wellbeing. This is your life. Choose a good one and make time for what truly matters to you.

I wish you a peaceful and joy-filled day !

With love and gratitude,

Karina Signature


Karina Ladet

Karina Ladet

Karina Ladet is a soulful and creative mum, intuitive reader, coach, writer and teacher who helps women to trust and develop their own intuition. She offers intuitive readings and coaching, and teaches people how to communicate with their spirit guides both online and in Europe and Australia. Karina is also passionate about spreading messages of love and soulful living and she's a regular writer for Wild Sister magazine and also writes for a number of websites that focus on intuition, wellness, parenting, soulful living and spirituality. Her mission is to support people who long for a more inspired and meaningful life and this is something she also embodies in her own life. After years spent working in the corporate world as a communications manager and living in many different countries, Karina is now happy living her dream life. She is a mum to two young children and the wife to an amazing French husband and she spends her time enjoying a simple life in a village in the south of France.

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