What I have learnt from my new baby girl…

It’s now indisputable – I’m a lucky man! In late July this year my wife Fiona gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Giorgie Rachel Gibson. After spending the first few days of her life without a name (we were convinced she was going to be a boy!) we decided on the Italian spelling of one of favourite girl’s names for her, and then all three of us settled down together into a whole new phase of life.

That was over 13 weeks ago now, and I’m happy and proud to say she has grown so much already into a gorgeous, joyous little person with a ready smile and a natural curiousity for the world. What is amazing is quickly the last 3 months has gone by and how much she has changed and grown in that time. Its almost as if every single day you can notice a difference in her mannerisms and physical strength…  just incredible!

All of which has made me step back and realise something that I think most of us know, but often forget or overlook…

Time is ticking away, the world is turning, you can lose money and make it back but once the time has gone… its gone, and that’s it. Time is our most precious, irreplacable resource, and yet so many of us treat it like it goes on forever and we will always have a second chance to really live our lives.

Watching how much a baby grows in three short months wakes me up to the fact that so much can occur in such a short space of time, but also to the fact that if you stall or distract yourself from goal or a dream, all too soon your time will be up and your chances lost.

So I invite you today to reflect (as I have been doing) on what has occurred for you and your practice in the three or four months?

For example, ask yourself these questions:

Has your price point changed so that you are charging what you are worth?

Is your practice providing you with the lifestyle you have always dreamt of, or are you feeling frustrated by your lack of freedom?

Are you attracting A class clients, or putting up with price shoppers who don’t make you feel good as a practitioner?

Is your business and your life progressing at a pace you are happy with, or have the last four months been pretty much a replica of the previous four?

And the biggest question of all… If your next 3 to 5 years looks like the last 3 to 5 years, are you happy with that?

If the answers to these questions leave you feeling a little uneasy (and lets be honest, who amongst us – me included – ever can really say that we are extracting every last drop out of life and our businesses every single day?) and you feel you would like the opportunity to “plug into” some proven strategies, support and solutions to position your health practice so that it supports your DREAM LIFESTYLE….  then here’s the Universe tapping you on the shoulder with a big, fat second chance…

I’ll be in Sydney on the 19th November to spend the day with my current clients and their guests to present updates on our core coaching curriculum and review the seven principles of a profitable health practice, with plenty of time for questions and answers, plus some new exercises guaranteed to deliver high impact results to implement on Monday morning.

If you feel you could do with a “shot in the arm”, or just know that now its finally the time to really implement some changes in your practice, then I’d love for you to join me.  If you want proof of how much difference a day with me can make to your practice, you can check out the success stories from practitioners just like you on the webpage below. To find out more, click now on


I really look forward to meeting you in person and helping you on your business journey.



PS. I reserve the right to spend at least 5 minutes of the talk on the 19th showing pictures of my baby girl and telling you how great she is! All the rest will be pure business, I promise! 🙂 Look forward to seeing you soon!

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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