
Living with Less

Living with less: 7 simple things you can make yourself

When we have existential threats around us, it’s easy to be pulled into a panic spiral, and the danger is that “saving the planet” never feels like a concrete thing we can actually have a hope of doing. But as with all the best advice, it comes down to “micro-actions”.

Power in protest

Is there power in protest?

From pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong to climate strikes to Black Lives Matter, mass protests are on the rise globally, but in an increasingly digital world have marches lost their power?

Environmental justice

Intersectional environmentalism: The fight for climate justice

The Earth’s climate is changing, that much is unarguable. What is often missed in the climate debate however, is that the impact of that change is not felt evenly. In fact, the harsh reality is that those least able to cope with it are those most exposed to the impacts of a changing climate. Environmental justice is about seeing that we all share the climate burden and protect those most in need of protection.