Organic Awareness month

Four top tips to buying authentic organic products

Did you know September is Australian Organic Awareness month?

Demand for organic products is rapidly growing as Australians make conscious choices to improve their health and wellbeing while considering the long-term sustainability of the planet.

Last year, the Australian Organic Market Report uncovered one-third of shoppers who had purchased an organic product during the previous year believed they had been misled by organic claims on the product packaging.

Without domestic regulation on the use of the word “organic” in Australia, consumers need to be increasingly vigilant to be sure what they are buying is truly organic.

In the lead-up to Australian Organic Awareness Month this September, we are sharing four top tips to provide confidence when purchasing organic products, including insights into why organic certification and product labelling are so important and to share resources to stay informed in the future.

Discover what organic means

Organic farming works with the environment and is focused on sustainable production practices, soil health, land regeneration and biodiversity protection.

When a product is certified organic, it means that the item has been grown or produced without synthetic fertilisers, pesticides or herbicides and that no artificial colours or preservatives are used in the finishing processes. Organic certification ensures all aspects of the product, from seed to packet, are compliant with organic protocols.

Organic does not necessarily mean vegetarian or vegan, although people who choose to eat meat- or animal-free diet will find many fabulous certified organic products on the market. Meat and poultry can also be certified organic and is renowned for being tastier as the animals roam freely in paddocks, interacting as they would in nature, with ample access to pasture, shade and shelter. The animals’ diets are natural and free of chemicals, and during their lives, organic animals are not subjected to routine antibiotics, hormones or other chemicals.

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are also prohibited within certified organic products.

Organic products extend beyond what you eat and drink. It is now possible to buy clothing that is made from organic textiles such as cotton, silk and wool or use skincare products made using natural organically produced ingredients.

Understand organic certification

The Australian Certified Organic Standard (ACOS) has strict guidelines about the requirements for a product to be certified as organic. Government-approved organic certification bodies conduct rigorous audits to ensure certified organic operators comply with these requirements, and this includes tracing all products used in the production process.

As an example, the predominantly Holstein Friesian dairy cows in the Jalna Biodynamic Organic Farm herd benefit from sustainable farm practices to support healthy soil. No synthetic chemicals, pesticides or fertilisers are used in production. Jalna works with nature and produces the majority of the feed for the cows on site, providing nutrient-rich hay and grass for the cows with a smaller carbon footprint, ultimately providing consumers with delicious dairy products produced sustainably and free from antibiotics and synthetic chemicals.

Certification is important so that you can trust that the product you are buying is 100 per cent organic grown, and processed.

Read the product label

To ensure you are buying authentic certified organic products, it’s critical to check the product label for certification. The “Bud” certification logo is the most trusted organic logo in Australia and is recognised by 62 per cent of shoppers. You can find it on more than 32,000 products across supermarkets, bottle shops and local farmers’ markets.

You may not know, but Australia is one of the last developed nations in the world without a mandatory domestic standard for the term “organic” on product labelling, meaning consumers can easily be misled by goods falsely described as organic. Each certified organic product should have the certification body and certification number for that individual farm on the label. You can verify this number online through the relevant certification body website.

It’s hard to believe, but non-certified operators are claiming to be organic who may use chemicals or practices that are not allowed under organic standards. This undermines the credibility of the operators who are doing the right thing, which is why you should always read the product label, and if in doubt, ask. Many certified organic producers sell produce at the local farmers’ markets and will proudly display their certification logo and number.

The peak body for the certified organic industry, Australian Organic Limited, is working with the Department of Agriculture, industry groups and members of parliament to ensure market integrity. In November 2021, the Australian Government announced a formal process to review the domestic regulatory framework. Australian Organic Limited continue to advocate on this matter and are making good progress. Consumers deserve to know that what they are buying reflects what is being claimed on the product label.

To learn more about the Bud, visit

Stay informed on Organic Awareness Month

Join the Bud Organic Club to receive free exclusive industry updates, organic recipes, informative articles, competition access and other special offers delivered straight to your inbox each month

Sign up to the Bud Organic Club at, and you’ll also be the first to hear about initiatives taking place during Australian Organic Awareness Month this September.

For more information, visit

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