Pisces Horoscope 2022

Pisces Horoscope 2022

If you’ve ever wanted to take affirmative steps to lead a life with meaning and purpose or, you’re longing for a sea change, this may be the year to follow the stirrings within your soul.


2021 introduced you to the wonderful cycle of personal growth, thanks to Jupiter in Pisces. This continues until 11 May, with a third and final instalment from 28 October to 20 December. Personal discovery and expansion are on offer as this once-in-a-decade cycle opens you up to new possibilities.

With Mars moving through the eastern side of your solar chart, most of your energy will be harnessed towards your personal desires.


The golden influence of Jupiter in Aries, from 11 May to 20 October, will be a preview period into the kind of wealth and abundance that’s on offer, and will continue into 2023. This rare cycle through your 2nd House of Cash could bring more than one opportunity to seize a raise or promotion. You may see an improvement in your work conditions or terms of contract. Landing a lucrative deal or securing a cashed-up client if you’re self-employed could change your financial fortune.

A big part of the growth you may not have experienced in over a decade will come through developing confidence and self-belief that you’re worthy of more. This could translate into being more optimistic and assertive about your financial goals, or pushing ahead with a sideline business or an additional income stream. Despite your current qualifications, skills or experience, Jupiter in Aries will infuse a fresh perspective about how you value yourself.

Jupiter will be joined by go-get-em Mars from 25 May to 5 July, highlighting a dynamic period when you’ll be able to tackle any money challenges and strive for positive change. With a double dose of confidence setting your cash-flow zone on fire, there will be little you cannot achieve at this time. This could be an ideal time to strike out in your own direction or make a move that aligns with financial dreams for the future.

If you want to dramatically change your financial outlook, a money mentor, guide or advisor could help map out the practical action you need to take. Mars in Aries brings a decisive energy into money matters, so strike while the iron is hot. The main message of Mars and Jupiter, especially when they team up on 29 May, is that manifesting money is about taking inspired action. Part of this may involve cutting away old stories and beliefs about money as you move towards your goals. If you normally formulate budgets and fail, try developing a spending plan instead. The principle may be the same, but the approach could feel more inspiring.

Home life

Your home life will be a point of focus once Mars bursts into your 4th House of Home and Family from 20 August. It’s been two years since you’ve had the motivated influence of Mars energising your domestic scene.

Tasks around the home may grab your attention as you’ll be curious about how you can make improvements around the home, or to your family relationships. A move, renovation or decorating project is possible or you may find yourself being more outspoken with family about what you want.

Mars in your home zone isn’t afraid to make waves, so if it’s long-term improvements you want to see, a link of support from Saturn on 28 September could help you bring a project or plan to fruition.

Things can hit a snag once Mars and Neptune square off on 12 October, then Mars heads backwards on 30 October 2022 to 11 January 2023. Your domestic plans will likely stall at this time, prompting a rethink about what your goals for your home life actually are. If you’ve outgrown a living situation, a curious approach can help you explore alternative options. If family tensions have reached a tipping point, Mars will help you slow down and consider compromises. A Mars retrograde offers time to think of a new way to approach domestic dreams. As you do, you may realise certain factors of your home life weren’t as urgent as you thought. Your greatest challenge at home in the final quarter of 2022 and early 2023 will be striking a balance between establishing boundaries while remaining flexible and open to new ideas.


Venus’s visit through Virgo and your 7th House of Relationships adds love, affection and support in your most important partnerships from 5-29 September. This brief yet helpful period can help boost love and romance as well as improve professional partnerships. As she moves through Virgo, Venus will interact with Mars, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, highlighting a potentially exciting and romantic, yet potentially topsy-turvy, period in love. Under these dynamic influences, you may notice tension that results from a push for progress. Adding to the confusion is Mercury’s quick detour, or reverse phase, through Virgo from 23 September to 2 October.

Crossed-wires and miscommunications are likely during this period, but also provide the opportunity for some ‘real-talk’. A conversation that leads to truth, trust and honesty is possible as Mercury retrograde, Venus and Pluto align on 27 September, helping you both get back on the same page.

Communication will continue to improve as Mercury travels through Virgo until 11 October.

Career and life direction

You may have the confidence to take on a new challenge as Mars in Sagittarius begins the year, continuing its tour of your 10th House. This cycle, which began mid-December, may inspire you to embrace an assertive streak about getting ahead professionally. As a new year begins, motivation to chase a professional direction that is meaningful might inspire you.

Mars only visits your career sector once in every two years, so until 24 January, you’ll be eager to take on a new role, step into a leadership position, or take action around business plans or projects.

Mars will tangle with Neptune on 12 January and could bring new inspiration around major life plans or the desire to make a heartfelt choice. Confusion or disappointment may arrive first, but any lack of progress you experience around then could help you take things in a more meaningful direction.

Some of your personal choices may guide your professional life this year. As Jupiter, your career planet, spends most of the year in Pisces, professional progress may stem from something that gets stirred from within your soul.

Happiness and children

The 5th House — aka your area of joy, romance and children — is one of your least active in 2022. You have the regular cycles of the Sun, Mercury and Venus to enhance happiness and inspire you to do more of what you love with who you love.

The Sun’s arrival in Cancer from 21 June to 23 July provides a stable influence you can rely on each year to infuse light, warmth and radiance into your fun zone. Prioritising the parts of life that truly light you up will help ensure your cup is full. Setting new intentions in this area of your life can help bring new happiness your way on 29 June under the New Moon in Cancer.

Mercury’s super-swift visit supports organising events and activities involving children. Synching calendars, arranging logistics and transportation to ensure moments of happiness happen is highlighted between 5-19 July. Heartfelt conversations can help open you up to fresh perspectives around a loved one on 9 and 17 July.

You’ll be in the mood for joy when Venus visits Cancer from 18 July to 12 August. Venus could enhance your ability to care for and nurture others. Give yourself permission to indulge more in what you love to do at this time. As much of this year is geared toward your personal drives, Venus in Cancer can especially highlight the ways in which you get joy from nourishing the relationships that matter most to you.

Adventure and discovery

May 16 and 25 October, when eclipses in Scorpio trigger your 9th House of Travel and Adventure, will provide wonderful opportunities to open yourself to new horizons. An international offer may arrive during one of these eclipses or you may consider a new academic venture. Linked to the karmic South Node, these eclipses can stimulate new goals and desires about the ways you can impact the world. As you dive deeper into your big life dreams, you could realise you have to let some others go. As new opportunities emerge, so will new priorities that might shift what really sets your spirit alight.

This part of your solar chart describes the way the world can open up for you. One of the more obvious ways is through travel and adventure. Far-flung destinations may beckon, as might ticking some items off your bucket list. If travel doesn’t appeal, or isn’t an option, diving into a topic involving higher education, religion, astrology or the esoteric sciences could quench your desire for the need to know. October 23 to 17 November see Venus and Mercury make their annual tours of Scorpio. Travel with friends is possible, or you may receive the encouragement you need to move forward with a study or training dream.

Friends, networks and groups

Two visits from Venus in Capricorn bookend the year, bringing double opportunities for quality time with friends. The first visit may bring a reassessment of your circle of friends, which first began mid-December 2021 and continues throughout January 2022.

Venus retrograde in Capricorn highlights the completion of an eight-year personal friendship cycle as a new one begins. This extra-long tour (until 6 March), will help you get closer to the truth about the longevity and loyalty of certain people in your life. You may notice that some connections fade while you spend time, energy and effort in developing new ones.

People from the past may also return to the fold at this time, too. This phase denotes a period of reflection and re-evaluation around your friendships since 2013 to 2014. You’ll learn to be more open and available to those whom you genuinely want to spend time with. On the other hand, it may become easier to put firm boundaries in place when it feels like other people just want something from you.

As 2022 draws to a close, Venus will enter Capricorn again from 10 December to 3 January 2023, where you can prioritise friends, good times and the connections that support you. Dates that support friendship are; 6 January, 17 and 25 February, 4 March, 14 July, and 22, 23 and 28 December.

Personal growth and self–development

2022 is set to be an inspired and heartfelt year as Jupiter tours Pisces. This once-in-every-twelve-years influence first surfaced from May to July 2021, returning in 2022 for another two instalments. Until 11 May and 28 October to 20 December, you’ll witness large-scale growth that could see some of your long-held dreams finally materialise.

Jupiter’s basic essence activates the thirst for new experiences and denotes an overall lucky period. This may require you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and dream bigger than you already do. Jupiter is also linked to the concept of growth and expansion. As the larger-than-life planet spends the bulk of this year (approximately 9 months) in your 1st House of Body and Physical Appearance, your waistline may also expand! For some Pisces, this could bring the wonderful news of impending parenthood, or it could mean the excess that comes from living life to the fullest.

Neptune’s ongoing influence since 2011 urges you to deepen your spiritual insight and intuitive development. As these two planets come together in April, creative, mystical or inspired urges may gently pull you in new directions. If you’ve ever wanted to take affirmative steps to lead a life brimming with meaning and purpose, or you’re longing for a sea change, this may be the year to follow the stirrings within your soul.

More inspired guidance and affirmative action is possible once Mars makes waves in Pisces for the first time in two years. From 15 April to 25 May, Mars will spend the majority of its time fusing his energy with Jupiter and Neptune. If you’re ready to make a significant move, Mars can help you push ahead during those times when you need a little extra courage to take a leap of faith.

Time-out and spirituality

Time out to clear your head and regain perspective will be important as the continuing cycle of Saturn in Aquarius activates your 12th House of Rest and Retreat. This is the final full calendar year before Saturn leaves Aquarius for Pisces in March 2023, emphasising the importance of rest.

Throughout the year, give yourself the space you need to reflect on the last 29–30 years of your life. Acknowledge how far you’ve come, what you’ve achieved, and what goals you’ve yet to accomplish. With so much progress personally, quiet time will help you turn your attention inward and regain perspective. As you consider new opportunities, be prepared to let some obligations go. You may be less available to other people as alone time becomes a preference. An extended holiday, a sabbatical or more regular weekends away can help you tap into your innermost desires.

Where possible, take as much time as you can between 2 January and 15 April to contemplate what’s most important to you. As Mercury, the Sun, Venus and Mars are all active during this period, be sure to do what you can — even if a social media detox is all you can manage. Focus on doing less on: 1 and 5 February, 3 and 26 March, 5 April and 12 August.

Birthdays and planets

If your birthdate is listed below (not all will be), you have a special planet influencing you in 2022. Here’s what’s ahead and how to harness the planet’s power for your own growth.

If your birthday falls between 2-10 March, electric Uranus will sextile your sun. As you explore new avenues of self-expression, you’ll get a taste of freedom and what can eventuate from making right-for-you choices. As you tap into your own authenticity, you may find yourself craving a path that strays from the conservative or traditional.

If your birthday falls between 12-17 March, nebulous Neptune will fuse with your sun. Life may be about surrender and letting go. The surreal influence of Neptune could make it difficult to rely on logic or substance. Instead, merge with the unknown, mystical and magical. Materialistic or professional ambitions might not hold much importance as you explore new possibilities.

If your birthday falls between 17-20 March, Pluto’s transformative influence will encourage new growth; however, you may feel like pulling in and withdrawing first. As you enter a proverbial hibernation phase, you’ll seek a minimalist approach in order to discover your potential. As your creative prowess emerges, you’ll find your personal power.

Cassandra Tyndall

Cassandra Tyndall

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